Drachenhallenmeister: Knie nieder und schüttle!
Abholzeit: 2024-10-21
Wo ansehen
- Betrayal
- Comeback
- Dragon
- Urban
Vor drei Jahren wurde Jason Dragon von der Familie Dunn reingelegt, was zu seiner Trennung von seiner Frau Raven und seiner Tochter Sophia führte. Nachdem er die Wahrheit und Ravens Demütigung in Bing City herausgefunden hatte, kehrte Jason schnell zurück, um sie zu beschützen. Mit seinen Drachengarden demontierte er die alten Herrscherfamilien von Bing City und kündigte seine baldige Rückkehr an. Obwohl die Familie Dunn seine Identität verheimlichte, belästigte sie sie weiterhin. Jason revanchierte sich, bestrafte seine Feinde und erfüllte sein Versprechen gegenüber Raven mit einer großen Geburtstagsfeier. Gemeinsam stellten sie durch wohltätige Aktionen den Geist ihrer Gemeinschaft wieder her und stärkten dabei Ravens Selbstvertrauen.
- Ep. 1Jason Dragon's past is marked by betrayal and separation from his loved ones. He was framed by the Dunn family, leading to his separation from his wife, Raven, and daughter, Sophia. Now, Jason has returned to protect them and seek justice. In a scene, Daniel and Charles are discussing something, with Daniel expressing gratitude towards Charles, repeatedly saying "Thank you, Charles." The conversation seems to be about money, as Daniel asks "How much money?" Charles appears to be helping Daniel, who promises to take care of him in return. The atmosphere is tense, with Daniel pleading "Please, please" multiple times, indicating a sense of urgency and desperation.
- Ep. 2Jason Dragon confronts his enemies, seeking revenge for past wrongs. A character is told to kneel down, and Jason's power is on full display. He interacts with a woman, possibly Raven, and a child, likely Sophia. The scene shifts, with someone being ordered to back off and another person being told to stop. Jason's presence is commanding, and he seems to be taking control of the situation. The dialogue is intense, with characters shouting and demanding things from each other. The plot thickens as Jason navigates his relationships and seeks justice.
- Ep. 3Jason Dragon confronts the Dunn family, who have been harassing his wife, Raven, and daughter, Sophia. He warns them to stop and demands they kneel before him. The family refuses, and a fight ensues. Jason's men arrive, and he orders them to take the family away. As they are led off, Jason tells them they will pay for their actions. Meanwhile, someone mentions the city master of Bing City, implying that Jason has powerful connections. The scene ends with Jason asserting his dominance over the Dunn family.
- Ep. 4Jason Dragon, the master of Dragon Hall, is determined to take down the four ruling families in Bing City. He warns them that they will disappear from the world after tonight. Jason plans to throw a grand birthday party for his wife, Raven, and reveal her identity to the world. He instructs his men to keep her identity a secret until then and to prepare for the party. Jason also mentions that he will personally take care of the four families and make sure they pay for their wrongdoings. The scene is intense, with Jason's men repeating "堅住" (hold on) as they prepare for the impending battle. Jason's goal is to protect his family and restore justice in Bing City.
- Ep. 5Jason returns, vowing to protect his family and not let them suffer anymore. He confronts the people harassing them, demanding to know why they're being targeted. A conversation ensues about a payment of 20,000, with Jason refusing to back down. The situation escalates, with threats and insults exchanged. Jason's daughter is mentioned, and someone suggests that her graduation ceremony will be affected by the current situation. The argument continues, with Jason accusing the others of being ruthless and demanding to see the person in charge. The scene ends with a physical altercation and Jason being beaten.
Meine Bewertung
- Hayes
- Horton
- Orren
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