The Architect Of My Own Fate
Der Architekt meines eigenen Schicksals

Der Architekt meines eigenen Schicksals

Abholzeit: 2024-10-21


Wo ansehen



  • Comeback
  • Romance
  • Twisted
  • strong female lead


May Soot stammt aus einer Familie, die Männer höher schätzt als Frauen. Ihr Vater und ihre Großmutter wollen das Haus von May und ihrer Schwester verkaufen, um die Studiengebühren ihres Bruders Max zu finanzieren. May ist fest entschlossen, ihre Umstände zu ändern, arbeitet unermüdlich und verdient sich einen Platz an einer renommierten Universität. Doch nach Erhalt ihres Zulassungsbescheids verweigern ihr Vater und ihre Großmutter ihr die Teilnahme und zwingen sie zu einer arrangierten Ehe. Mit Hilfe ihrer Schwester und Mutter gelingt May die Flucht und baut sich anderswo ein erfolgreiches Leben auf. Sieben Jahre später kehrt sie in ihre Heimatstadt zurück und muss feststellen, dass ihre Schwester nun zu einer Heirat gezwungen wird.


  • Ep. 1
    In a traditional household where males are favored over females, May Soot and her sister endure a life of inequality and neglect. As their brother Max prepares to attend university, their father and grandmother decide to sell May and her sister's home to fund his education. Despite their family's disregard, May works hard and secures admission to a prestigious university. However, her dreams are shattered when her family refuses to let her attend and instead forces her into an arranged marriage. With the help of her sister and mother, May escapes and builds a new life for herself. Seven years later, she returns to her hometown, only to find her sister facing a similar fate. The plot introduction sets the stage for a story of resilience and the fight against tradition, as May must confront her past and work to change the future for her sister and other women in her community.
  • Ep. 2
    In a family that prioritizes males over females, May Soot faces an uphill battle to secure her future. Her father and grandmother plan to sell the home she shares with her sister to fund her brother Max's university education, dismissing her own academic aspirations. Despite their opposition, May works diligently and earns admission to a prestigious university. However, upon receiving her acceptance letter, her family not only refuses to let her attend but also forces her into an arranged marriage. With the help of her sister and mother, May escapes this fate and builds a successful life for herself elsewhere. Seven years later, she returns to her hometown to find her sister facing a similar coerced marriage. The plot introduction sets the stage for a story of resistance against patriarchal oppression and the struggle for female empowerment.
  • Ep. 3
    In a small town, May Soot excitedly shares the news of her acceptance into a prestigious university with her family. Her mother is thrilled and proud, but her father and grandmother are dismissive, prioritizing her brother Max's education over hers. They plan to sell May and her sister's home to fund Max's university tuition and force May into a job at a local health clinic instead of letting her pursue her dreams. May pleads with her father, arguing that she can get scholarships and work part-time to support herself, but her father is adamant, insisting that the money is needed for Max's future and that May should contribute to the family's financial stability. The tension escalates as May confronts her father about his favoritism and the injustice she has faced her entire life. The episode ends with a heated argument, leaving May's future hanging in the balance.
  • Ep. 4
    In a household where male heirs are favored over females, May Soot faces an uphill battle for her dreams and independence. The story opens with a heated argument between May and her family, who are planning to sell her and her sister's home to fund her brother Max's university education. May, having earned a spot at a prestigious university, is met with resistance from her father and grandmother, who refuse to let her attend and instead force her into an arranged marriage. With the help of her sister and mother, May escapes and builds a successful life elsewhere. Seven years later, she returns to her hometown to find her sister facing a similar forced marriage. The subtitles reveal a tense family dynamic, with May's father showing clear favoritism towards her brother and a lack of appreciation for May's achievements and aspirations. May's defiance and determination to change her circumstances are evident as she confronts the injustice and seeks to break free from the chains of her family's expectations.
  • Ep. 5
    In a small, patriarchal town, May Soot faces an impossible choice as her family plans to sell her home to fund her brother's education and forces her into an arranged marriage. Defiant and determined, May escapes with the help of her sister and mother, vowing to build a better life for herself and return one day. Seven years later, she triumphantly revisits her hometown, only to find her sister on the brink of a forced marriage, echoing her own past. Now, May must confront the family that betrayed her and fight to change the fate of the women in her family.


  • The Architect Of My Own Fate
  • Architect of my own fate
  • 【大結局完整版】《梅花香自苦寒來》第1~64全集#古风 #古装 #甜宠 #恋爱 #爱情 #古装剧 #逆袭 #短剧 #神剧课代表
  • Architect of my own fate 3
  • Architect of my own fate 2

Meine Bewertung



  • Darvin
  • Odessa
  • Gohan
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