Die Welt in meinem Griff
Abholzeit: 2024-10-21
Wo ansehen
- Fantasy
- Urban
Um seine Freundin zu heiraten, schuftet Finn Cooper als Arbeiter, erträgt lange Tage und ernährt sich von Instantnudeln, um Geld zu sparen, während er sich gleichzeitig der Verachtung seiner Mitmenschen gegenübersieht. Er ist von seinen Umständen zutiefst beunruhigt und wünscht sich Kraft, die über seine derzeitigen Grenzen hinausgeht. Zu seinem Erstaunen wird sein Wunsch erfüllt, allerdings mit einer unerwarteten Wendung. Alle anderen werden so zerbrechlich wie Wasser, was ihn zum stärksten lebenden Mann auf dem Planeten macht.
- Ep. 1
- Ep. 2Finn Cooper, a laborer, is seen struggling to make ends meet. He is tasked with moving a heavy potted plant, which others claim requires a crane to lift. However, Finn effortlessly lifts the plant with one hand, astonishing those around him. His superior strength sparks curiosity and admiration from his boss, Su, who tries to persuade Finn to join their company. Despite Finn's humble demeanor, Su recognizes his exceptional abilities and is determined to recruit him. As Finn continues to demonstrate his incredible strength, Su becomes increasingly eager to secure his services, believing that having someone like Finn on their team could lead to great success.
- Ep. 3It appears that we have a video title and introduction, followed by subtitles for Episode 3 of the video. The subtitles are in Chinese, and I'll do my best to translate them into English. Here's a summary of the subtitles: The scene appears to be set on a construction site or a warehouse, where Finn Cooper (the protagonist) is working as a laborer. His coworkers are teasing him and questioning his strength, saying that he's not capable of lifting a large brick by himself. They're also mocking him for being arrogant and thinking he's stronger than others. One of the coworkers, nicknamed "Cow Brother" (or "Niu Ge"), challenges Finn to lift the brick, saying that if he can't do it, he won't get paid for the day's work. However, if he succeeds, Cow Brother will double his pay. Finn accepts the challenge and manages to lift the brick by himself, surprising his coworkers. They're shocked and impressed by his strength, and one of them comments that Finn must have been hiding his true abilities. The subtitles also reveal some background information about Finn's personal life, such as his relationship with his girlfriend and his daily routine. Please let me know if you'd like me to clarify any specific parts of the subtitles or provide further context!
- Ep. 4
- Ep. 5
Meine Bewertung
- Migel
- Deshawn
- Odell
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