Dove guardare
Parola chiave
- Counterattack
- Divorce
- Marriage
- Romance
- True Love
Nel quarto anniversario del loro matrimonio, Jodie Glenn tiene una conferenza stampa per dichiarare ufficialmente morto il marito fuggitivo, Aidan Langley, dopo quattro anni di scomparsa. Con sua grande sorpresa, Aidan appare a braccetto con una celebrità della C-List all'evento. La migliore amica di Jodie presenta suo fratello, Ramon Gardner, un uomo che ha segretamente amato Jodie per anni e ha persino subito un incidente sfigurante per salvarle la vita, sottoponendosi infine a un intervento chirurgico per cambiare il volto.
Dopo aver divorziato da Aidan, Jodie inizia rapidamente un "progetto per un bambino" con Ramon. Tuttavia, Aidan rifiuta di lasciarsi andare, complicando ulteriormente le cose. Mentre si susseguono incomprensioni e crisi, le verità nascoste vengono finalmente alla luce. Alla fine, Jodie e Ramon trovano la strada verso la vera felicità mentre Aidan affronta la punizione che giustamente merita.
- Ep. 1
- Ep. 2
- Ep. 3Jodie and her ex-husband Aidan have a heated conversation. Jodie tells Aidan that she's moving on and considers him dead after his four-year disappearance. Aidan tries to win her back, but Jodie is firm in her decision. She even sells their former home, the West Mountain Villa, for 50 million yuan, which angers Aidan as it was worth 200 million. Jodie makes it clear that she's done with him and wants nothing to do with him. Meanwhile, Ramon, Jodie's friend's brother, is secretly in love with her and waits for his chance to be with her. As the conversation unfolds, it becomes clear that Jodie has closed the chapter on her past with Aidan and is ready to start anew.
- Ep. 4Jodie, who has just divorced Aidan, is now with Ramon. At a gathering, Ramon's sister teases him about being a "cowboy" and bringing a handsome man to the event. Ramon explains that he's just showing his friend a good time. His sister warns him not to tell their mother about this. Meanwhile, another woman flirts with the handsome man, complimenting his appearance and physique, even checking his abs. The atmosphere is lighthearted and playful, with everyone enjoying themselves. Ramon watches over Jodie, who seems happy and carefree after her divorce.
- Ep. 5
La Mia Valutazione
Principali Contributori
- Jiraiya
- Loraine
- Grayson
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