Adrian foi traído por seus subordinados e reencarnou inesperadamente no ano de 1990. Ele até ganhou a habilidade de invocar itens especiais aleatoriamente de seu bolso. Com a ajuda de seu conhecimento moderno, ele acumulou riqueza e navegou sem esforço pelos desafios da década de 90.
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The plot introduces sudden character switches and unclear motivations. Adrian’s rapid shift from aggressor to pacifist lacks logic and undermines his initial resolve. Additionally, the introduction of supernatural elements (reincarnation) isn't addressed or explained in this excerpt, leaving plot holes.
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The plot introduces sudden character switches and unclear motivations. Adrian’s rapid shift from aggressor to pacifist lacks logic and undermines his initial resolve. Additionally, the introduction of supernatural elements (reincarnation) isn't addressed or explained in this excerpt, leaving plot holes.
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The relationship between Layla and Ferris is so toxic, but somehow it’s captivating.
Mafia’s Good Girl was so much more than I expected. Bella’s emotional journey and the mafia king’s transformation were absolutely captivating. This play really left a mark on me.
Os mais ricos em 1990
Visão geral:
Adrian foi traído por seus subordinados e reencarnou inesperadamente no ano de 1990. Ele até ganhou a habilidade de invocar itens especiais aleatoriamente de seu bolso. Com a ajuda de seu conhecimento moderno, ele acumulou riqueza e navegou sem esforço pelos desafios da década de 90.
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Os mais ricos em 1990
The plot introduces sudden character switches and unclear motivations. Adrian’s rapid shift from aggressor to pacifist lacks logic and undermines his initial resolve. Additionally, the introduction of supernatural elements (reincarnation) isn't addressed or explained in this excerpt, leaving plot holes.
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Espere, o que? Eu casei com o Sr. Big Bucks?
I love how much Evie grows throughout the drama. She's not the same person from the start, and I love that.
Enredado pela paixão
Can Gavin really forgive himself for what he’s done to Janessa? The tension is killing me.
Sendo mimado após um casamento relâmpago
So much drama and romance in this one, it’s everything I needed!
A luz das estrelas desaparece diante de você
The relationship between Layla and Ferris is so toxic, but somehow it’s captivating.
Mafia’s Good Girl was so much more than I expected. Bella’s emotional journey and the mafia king’s transformation were absolutely captivating. This play really left a mark on me.
Tornando-se a sogra do meu ex
Loved the layers in Jacob’s role
I do this for aiur
Raízes recuperadas: ela é a Sra. Xander!
Every challenge Wendy faces on her path to self-discovery only proves her strength. She is unbreakable, unstoppable.
Não sabe que esquete assistir? Eu vou te ajudar.