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Nach dem Tod erfuhr ich, dass der Prinz auf mich wartete
Abholzeit: 2024-10-21
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An dem Tag, an dem Sylvia starb, war Yasers Hochzeitstag. Yaser, der Sohn des Chauffeurs der Familie Shawn, hatte von Sylvias Großzügigkeit profitiert; Sie lud ihn zu einer Fahrt in ihrem Maybach ein, verwöhnte ihn mit Luxusartikeln und übergab ihm sogar die Firma ihres Vaters. Während er ihre Unterstützung genoss und seine Freundin wie eine Prinzessin verwöhnte, behandelte er Sylvia wie eine Dienerin. Als sie schwer erkrankte und darum bat, sich Geld für die Behandlung zu leihen, sagte er grausam: „Diese Jahre mit dir waren ein Albtraum! Sylvia, stirb einfach schon.“ Sie ist gestorben! Erst in diesem Moment wurde ihr klar, dass der Prinz, den sie einst abgelehnt hatte, die ganze Zeit auf sie gewartet hatte ...
- Ep. 1Sylvia visits Yaser on the eve of his wedding to Cloud. She congratulates them and asks for some money to treat her illness. However, Yaser ridicules her, saying she's been a burden and that Cloud has given her enough money already. He reminds her that he's the one who's been supporting her all along, and that she's incapable of earning money herself. Sylvia mentions that Yaser had promised to marry her if she handed over her father's company to him, but now he's marrying someone else. Yaser shows no empathy for Sylvia's illness, and their conversation ends with him being cruel to her.
- Ep. 2It seems like you've provided a video title and introduction, as well as subtitles for Episode 2 of the video. I'll summarize the content for you: **Video Title:** "After Death, I Learned the Prince Was Waiting for Me" **Introduction:** The story revolves around Sylvia, who dies on the day of Yaser's wedding. Yaser, the son of the Shawn family's chauffeur, had been treated generously by Sylvia, but he repaid her kindness by treating her poorly and eventually telling her to "just die already" when she asked for money for medical treatment. **Episode 2 Subtitles:** The subtitles appear to be a conversation between two characters, with one of them (likely Yaser) speaking harshly to the other (likely Sylvia). The conversation is confrontational, with Yaser insulting Sylvia and telling her that she's stupid for asking if he loves her. He also implies that she has AIDS and suggests that she should kill herself. The subtitles are in Chinese, but I've translated some of the key phrases: * "你怎么会蠢的" (nǐ zěn me huì shǎ de) - "How can you be so stupid?" * "简直太蠢了" (jiǎn zhí tài shǎ le) - "You're really stupid" * "干脆跳楼死了得了" (gān cuì tiào lóu sǐ le dé le) - "You might as well jump off a building and die" The conversation is quite intense and emotional, with Yaser being extremely cruel to Sylvia. If you have any specific questions about the content or would like me to clarify anything, feel free to ask!
- Ep. 3
- Ep. 4It appears that we have a video title and introduction, followed by subtitles from Episode 4 of the video. I'll summarize the content for you: **Video Title:** "After Death, I Learned the Prince Was Waiting for Me" **Introduction:** The story revolves around Sylvia, who dies on the day of Yaser's wedding. Yaser, the son of Sylvia's family's chauffeur, had been treated with luxury and generosity by Sylvia, but he repaid her kindness with cruelty, telling her to "just die already" when she asked for money for medical treatment. **Episode 4 Subtitles:** The subtitles seem to be a conversation between several characters, including: 1.裴云霄 (Pei Yunxiao) 2.沈世伯 (Shen Shibai) 3.佑人 (You Ren) The conversation appears to be about social status, wealth, and relationships. Some key points include: * Pei Yunxiao is considered a high-status individual, while You Ren is seen as a lowly servant. * Shen Shibai teases You Ren about his aspirations to marry a wealthy woman like Pei Yunxiao's sister. * The conversation touches on the theme of social climbing and the consequences of trying to rise above one's station. Overall, the story seems to be exploring themes of class, relationships, and the consequences of one's actions. If you have any specific questions or would like further clarification, feel free to ask!
- Ep. 5Sylvia's past is marked by her generosity to Yaser, the son of her family's chauffeur. However, he treated her poorly and took advantage of her kindness. In a heated argument, Shen Ximicro scolds someone for eating food meant for Qingran and not completing tasks as instructed. The person retorts that they spent their own money and it's none of Shen's business. Shen implies that the person's money comes from Pei Xiao's family, sparking tension. The conversation turns to accusations and threats, with Shen warning the person that they will regret their actions. The argument ends with a threat to exclude the person from riding in Shen's Maybach.
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- Goran
- Obed
- Juanjose
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